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[+35]Jumpman Posted - 23 Feb 2012 : 10:33:14
Det så lang tid siden jeg har rodet med .asp og mysql databaser er der en der lige kan hjælpe her, for den viser de første 10 emner men så er det jo meningen at der skal være et links til de næste 10 osv osv.

<%@ Language="VBScript" %>

<% '## Using Option Explicit requires that all variables are declared ## %>
<% Option Explicit %>

<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="../inc_config.asp" -->

Response.Buffer = True

'## Open connection to database
Call OpenDataBase

'## Building the SQL string
Set rsbans = myConn.Execute("SELECT mysql_bans.* FROM mysql_bans;")

'## Counting numbers of members
Set rsAntal = myConn.Execute("select Count(*) As M_COUNT from mysql_bans")
strAntal = rsAntal("M_COUNT")
Set rsAntal = nothing


<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="da">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>[+35] Ban List</title>

<body text="#E3D096" bgcolor="#000000" SCROLL="yes" BOTTOMMARGIN="0" TOPMARGIN="0" RIGHTMARGIN="0" LEFTMARGIN="0" MARGINWIDTH="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0">

<div align="center">

<table width="98%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		<td width="100%" class="main_text"><h1 align="center">Der er i øjeblikket <%=strAntal%> bans i databasen</h1></td>

<div align="center">

<table width="98%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		<td width="100%" class="content_text">

<div align="center">

<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="98%">
Response.Write "<tr>" & vbNewLine & _
				"<td width=""25%"" valign=""top"" class=""content_text"" bgcolor=""#3E3F31""><font color=""#DACEA8""><b><u>Nick</u></b></font>" & vbNewLine & _
				"</td>" & vbNewLine & _
				"<td width=""15%"" valign=""top"" class=""content_text"" bgcolor=""#3E3F31""><font color=""#DACEA8""><b><u>SteamID</u></b></font>" & vbNewLine & _
				"</td>" & vbNewLine & _
				"<td width=""30%"" valign=""top"" class=""content_text"" bgcolor=""#3E3F31""><font color=""#DACEA8""><b><u>Ban Reason</u></b></font>" & vbNewLine & _
				"</td>" & vbNewLine & _
				"<td width=""10%"" valign=""top"" class=""content_text"" bgcolor=""#3E3F31""><font color=""#DACEA8""><b><u>Ban Length</u></b></font>" & vbNewLine & _
				"</td>" & vbNewLine & _
				"<td width=""20%"" valign=""top"" class=""content_text"" bgcolor=""#3E3F31""><font color=""#DACEA8""><b><u>Banned by</u></b></font>" & vbNewLine & _
Response.Write "</tr>"

DIM mySQL, objRS
mySQL = "SELECT * FROM mysql_bans"
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.CursorType = 1
objRS.Open mySQL, myConn

DIM intPageRecords, intRecords, intRecordCount, intCurrentPage
DIM intNumberOfPages, intDisplayPage
intPageRecords = Request.Querystring("page")
IF intPageRecords = "" THEN intPageRecords = 1 : intRecords = 1
intRecords = intPageRecords
intPageRecords = ((intPageRecords - 1) * 10) +1
intRecordCount = 0

objRS.Move (intPageRecords - 1)
DO WHILE intRecordCount < 10 and NOT objRS.EOF

'## Write the HTML to display the current record in the recordset
Response.Write "<tr>" & vbNewLine & _
				"<td width=""25%"" valign=""top"" class=""content_text"" bgcolor=""#2E2F21""><font color=""#DACEA8"">"
Response.Write (objRS("player_name"))
Response.Write "</font></td>" & vbNewLine & _

				"<td width=""15%"" valign=""top"" class=""content_text"" bgcolor=""#2E2F21""><font color=""#DACEA8"">"
Response.Write (objRS("steam_id"))
Response.Write "</font></td>" & vbNewLine & _

				"<td width=""30%"" valign=""top"" class=""content_text"" bgcolor=""#2E2F21""><font color=""#DACEA8"">"
Response.Write (objRS("ban_reason"))
Response.Write "</font></td>" & vbNewLine & _

				"<td width=""10%"" valign=""top"" class=""content_text"" bgcolor=""#2E2F21""><font color=""#DACEA8"">"
Response.Write (objRS("ban_length"))
Response.Write "</font></td>" & vbNewLine & _

				"<td width=""20%"" valign=""top"" class=""content_text"" bgcolor=""#2E2F21""><font color=""#DACEA8"">"
Response.Write (objRS("banned_by"))
Response.Write ("<br />")
Response.Write	"</font></td>" & vbNewLine & _
Response.Write "</tr>"

'## Move to next record i the result list
intRecordCount = intRecordCount +1

		<td class="content_text" bgcolor="#3E3F31"><font color=""#DACEA8""><b><u><div class="hr">
		<%=intPageRecords%> - <%=intPageRecords+(intRecordCount-1)%> of <%=(objRS.RecordCount)%> banned players</u></b></font>

		<td colspan="4" align="right" class="content_text" bgcolor="#3E3F31"><font color=""#DACEA8""><b><u><div class="hr">
		<p>Scroll Through More banned players
		intCurrentPage = Request.Querystring("page")
		IF intCurrentPage = "" THEN intCurrentPage = 1
		intNumberOfPages = int(objRS.RecordCount \ 10)
		IF objRS.RecordCount MOD 10<> 0 THEN intNumberOfPages = intNumberOfPages + 1
		Response.Write("Pages: [")
		FOR intDisplayPage = 1 TO intNumberOfPages
		IF Cint(intDisplayPage) = Cint(intCurrentPage) THEN
		Response.Write " <b>" & intDisplayPage & "</b> "
		Response.Write " <a href=""page.asp?page=" & intDisplayPage & """>" & intDisplayPage &_
		"</a> "
Response.Write ("]   ")

'## Close connection to server again
Call CloseDataBase


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