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[*DRUNK*]GRAVEFILLER Posted - 10 Apr 2005 : 22:49:07
I see there's a new CG ?
What can we arrange for me to be there ?

I need a comp, screen and offcourse a place to sleep thats not behind the monitor :P

What can u guys offer my sexy ass :D
9   N Y E S T E    I N D L Æ G    (Nyeste først)
SmokiE Skrevet - 30 May 2005 : 10:02:49
Haaa! Haaa! (Nelson style)
[+35]Dr.Zeepra[Wa] Skrevet - 30 May 2005 : 01:59:28
ye least I'm not you...*relief*
[*DRUNK*]GRAVEFILLER Skrevet - 30 May 2005 : 01:38:48
OMFG OLD TIMES !!!! (and close up of one of zeep's ex girlfriends :P)

[*DRUNK*]GRAVEFILLER Skrevet - 30 May 2005 : 01:31:28
zeep sucks balls we all know that, im organizing a gaming event in Holland that might also be around that time :S

Lemme check this week to be sure.

SmokiE Skrevet - 26 Apr 2005 : 10:49:24
Oprindeligt skrevet af [+35]Dr.Zeepra[Wa]

aww....come on :D... Even if ur mom just had your baby, I'm sure she would let you go ..

Midnight-M Skrevet - 26 Apr 2005 : 07:30:55
Yo Gravey m8 long time since we last played CS,where have you been and you gonna be a father(congrat)my friend.
Hope to see you soon
[+35]Dr.Zeepra[Wa] Skrevet - 25 Apr 2005 : 17:53:32
aww....come on :D... Even if ur mom just had your baby, I'm sure she would let you go ..
[*DRUNK*]GRAVEFILLER Skrevet - 25 Apr 2005 : 15:14:55
i see its in september now.... Would be ok depending on wether or not my kid is born by then and if the baby's momma will allow me to leave somewhere and have fun :D
[+35]Den Gamle Skrevet - 11 Apr 2005 : 23:53:25
Gravy ... U can get a ride in my bike trailer. U'll have to share the trailer with 2 comps, 2 CRT's and ...

No, seriously. I can fix a comp and a screen, allthough you're gonna have to live with a Barton 2500+ and a GeForce 5900XT. If U can hitch a ride to Frederikshavn I can fix the ride too - as far as sleeping is concerned I'd say there's more than ample room at the place CG is held for you to sleep ... sexy ass or not :-D

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