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Friend of [+35]

30 indl�g

Skrevet - 03 Jan 2002 :  09:25:44  Vis profil  Bes�g Rikko's hjemmeside
Hi guys !!

First of all, happy new year to all of you.

As I saw you installed the voting-tool for the Op4 server. Very fine thing but as it appears now its rather senseless.
When there are 8 peeps in the server it will never happen that 6 guys vote

[+35] Clan Founder, [+35] Member of COW

2843 Posts

Skrevet - 03 Jan 2002 :  14:39:37  Vis profil  Bes�g [+35]DiNO's hjemmeside

The new, fresh map-circle is quite pretty althought the exotic maps let drop many players. Are there any rotation-plans for the
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Friend of [+35]

30 Posts

Skrevet - 03 Jan 2002 :  15:30:12  Vis profil  Bes�g Rikko's hjemmeside
Allright Dino !

So, Captain Alex :) do ya also play in your Op4-server? Under which name ?
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[+35] Clan Founder, [+35] Member of COW

2843 Posts

Skrevet - 06 Jan 2002 :  13:49:09  Vis profil  Bes�g [+35]DiNO's hjemmeside

Allright Dino !

So, Captain Alex :) do ya also play in your Op4-server? Under which name ?

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[+35] soldier

190 Posts

Skrevet - 11 Jan 2002 :  21:08:57  Vis profil

i really like your server, but i think the mapcycle is a bit too big!
i suggest removing some maps like outpost and bridge22 b
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[+35] Clan Founder, [+35] Member of COW

2843 Posts

Skrevet - 13 Jan 2002 :  10:23:36  Vis profil  Bes�g [+35]DiNO's hjemmeside

Get Lag-free park!!!
It is op4_park without laggy train, laggy beegun and unfriendly train-sound... you just

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[+35] soldier

190 Posts

Skrevet - 13 Jan 2002 :  10:38:45  Vis profil

most disliked maps are outpost and repent...
u can still let them on but this were my thoughts...

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[+35] soldier

190 Posts

Skrevet - 14 Jan 2002 :  19:47:42  Vis profil
K-OTIC just mailed me some new maps:
- twisted
- drug
- cream
- clown

Gonna take a look in a while...
Bot is downloadable from your site?

Custom maps already available in server to play are:

# Sniper_zone (care to capital S)
# snipersdeligh
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Friend of [+35]

30 Posts

Skrevet - 22 Jan 2002 :  15:38:47  Vis profil  Bes�g Rikko's hjemmeside
Allright, Iam quite happy about the maps.
As long as Meanie is on board...
A new map is always nice to look at but since I don't have the time anymore to train 'exotic' maps like I did 2 years ago it can never be such a fun like the standard ones.
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[+35] soldier

190 Posts

Skrevet - 22 Jan 2002 :  21:50:00  Vis profil
Xendance is really problematic: the less you ping the smooth you play: but if it is high u get HOLY lags and weird playing quality. Despite i love this map i cant put in cycle as it is a total discrimination for people pinging over 150 msec.

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Friend of [+35]

30 Posts

Skrevet - 23 Jan 2002 :  07:39:19  Vis profil  Bes�g Rikko's hjemmeside
I remember playing Xen over 200ms quite smooth.
But its good that you take care of the payers.
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[+35] soldier

190 Posts

Skrevet - 23 Jan 2002 :  19:05:30  Vis profil
Although Xendance isn't in cycle, mapvoting is always available; and, if you want to "drive" more directly the choice of players about a specific map, instead of starting a "rockthevote" session, just type in console:
admin_vote_map op4_XXX
and a Yes/NO
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Friend of [+35]

30 Posts

Skrevet - 24 Jan 2002 :  08:37:36  Vis profil  Bes�g Rikko's hjemmeside
Thats fine to know about the admin-voting. Thx a lot.
But I guess I didnt understand about the gluon-stuff.
I ping now permanently around 200, whatever weapon I use.
But on my side (ISP..) nothing changed. I ping now at same hight like on US-eastcoast
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[+35] soldier

190 Posts

Skrevet - 24 Jan 2002 :  18:50:41  Vis profil
The gluon stuff was specifically about xendance and the fact i didn't put in cycle. Gluon lags - in xendance - heavily all high pinging players due to that sort of cicling spiral when it shots. And, if gluon is used by a low pinger, it is a real effective
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