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 AWP chilisource, nuclear edition.
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[+35]Shotgun Joe
[+35] Soldier

1590 indl�g

Skrevet - 20 Sep 2002 :  13:00:59  Vis profil  Bes�g [+35]Shotgun Joe's hjemmeside  Send [+35]Shotgun Joe en ICQ besked  Klik for at se [+35]Shotgun Joe's MSN Messenger adresse  Svar med Quote

25 g. dried African piri piri chilli.
4-5 clove garlic.
½ a can tomatoes.
1 tsp. White cumin seeds.
2 tsp. coriander seeds.
3 tsp. Yellow mustard seeds.
½ cup of water.
Soya sauce.
1 tbsp. vinegar.
A pinch of salt.

Grind the piri piri chilies to a fine powder (I use an electric coffee grinder), with the White cumin-, coriander- and Yellow mustard seeds.
Peel the garlic.
Blend the ½ can of tomatoes.

Pure a drop of oil in a heavy based small pot.
Add the powered spices and switch for a moment (mind the fumes, they can be like a mace).
Add the water and press the garlic into the mixture. Let it boil for a moment and add the tomatoes, vinegar, soya and salt.
Pure it all into a glass with screw top and place it in the fridge.

Watch out, this is the god damn hottest chilli source I’d ever made. This one make hardcore chilifans CRY!!!!

- iøvrigt mener jeg at Kartago skal ødelægges !

Super forummedlem

1890 Posts

Skrevet - 25 Nov 2002 :  09:51:00  Vis profil  Bes�g BOSS's hjemmeside  Klik for at se BOSS's MSN Messenger adresse  Svar med Quote

I LOVE the AWP Sauce !!!! I use it almost everyday (luckyli I have a large part from the CG)

Only use a small knive tip to flavour you dish,,, yummy,,,,

My brother-in-law who is from middle-east, got some AWP sauce this summer. I said when i put the glas on the table " I will only say this ones - be carefull with the sauce it is hot"

He cried for a ½ hour due to excessive AWP on the steaks - to be fair I have to say that he took almost the same amount on the second streak = Damn tasty **** ! :-)

Medlemmer af Clan35 spiller IKKE uden Clan Tag på egen server - BASTA !

Rettet af - BOSS @ 25 Nov 2002 13:54:45
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Skrevet - 18 Jan 2003 :  18:01:03  Vis profil  Bes�g Chefen's hjemmeside  Send Chefen en AOL besked  Send Chefen en ICQ besked  Klik for at se Chefen's MSN Messenger adresse  Svar med Quote
*LOL*! I e-mailed the "opskrift" to a lot of my friends the other day. Some of them actually tried it on Shawarma in the same doses they usually take at the Grill... STUPID thing to do. One of them actually got admitted to the hospital and stayed there for several hours...

Do I need to say, that these guys now never will turn gay? At the least, they've now been taught what their asses are ment for!

Chefen - still the AWP-fan..

Det er jo ikke for sjov vi går rundt og slår folk ihjel - vel? :p
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[+35] Soldier

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Skrevet - 18 Jan 2003 :  18:08:57  Vis profil  Bes�g [+35]6-PACK's hjemmeside  Send [+35]6-PACK en ICQ besked  Svar med Quote

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[+35]Shotgun Joe
[+35] Soldier

1590 Posts

Skrevet - 19 Feb 2003 :  21:58:46  Vis profil  Bes�g [+35]Shotgun Joe's hjemmeside  Send [+35]Shotgun Joe en ICQ besked  Klik for at se [+35]Shotgun Joe's MSN Messenger adresse  Svar med Quote
NO ****, my chili is HOT !!!

- iøvrigt mener jeg at Kartago skal ødelægges !
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Friend of [+35]

361 Posts

Skrevet - 25 Sep 2003 :  14:05:05  Vis profil  Klik for at se tortillas's MSN Messenger adresse  Svar med Quote
Mmmm. .
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