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 LINUX FTP problem
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[+35] Honorary Member

570 indl�g

Skrevet - 20 Nov 2002 :  08:37:37  Vis profil  Send [*DRUNK*]GRAVEFILLER en ICQ besked  Svar med Quote
The [*DRUNK*] Linux pr0nserver has a problem...

I'm using Suse 8.0 and an FTP program (can't remember the name).
Normally you start up YaST and create another login name in the system which the FTP program takes over.

I made account before and made their home folder /usr/local/ftp which is the place where all the pr0n is hidden :)
They are all part of the group users and their Unique Id's start from 500 till 517 something.

Now the problem :
When creating new accounts all of a sudden the home directory is set to
35slutty/home when creating user 35slutty. When I attempt to change the home directory to /usr/local/ftp it says this directory is already in use by another user..

My response :

DUH.. It's used by 15 other users... But how come it gives this error now ?? The only thing I can think of is that something changed during the last updates I did this weekend...

Any ideas ??

I'll edit in the name of the FTP program later on..

[+35] Soldier

2470 Posts

Skrevet - 20 Nov 2002 :  13:18:58  Vis profil  Bes�g [+35]Lazy's hjemmeside  Klik for at se [+35]Lazy's MSN Messenger adresse  Svar med Quote
Hi GF.

I'm a bit confused here because to me it sounds like you are making things more difficult than they have to be (usually my trademark )

I've never really used Suse or YaST but the behavior you describe when you create a new user is normal (I'm guessing that you meant his $HOME is /home/35slutty) And I simply cannot imagine why you would want to change that!

Hmm still confused... Can't you just create a group: drunkFTP and a dir /pub/drunk/extremelynastypr0n put your filth in here and give the group read-access to this dir. Then create /pub/drunk/extremelynastyuploads and give the drunkFTP-group read/write access to this dir and finally make all [*DRUNK*] members part of group drunkFTP.

Well can you please give me a hint why you want to do it the other way, because i'm wondering why?

Oh and whats the IP btw


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[+35] Honorary Member

570 Posts

Skrevet - 20 Nov 2002 :  15:14:22  Vis profil  Send [*DRUNK*]GRAVEFILLER en ICQ besked  Svar med Quote
I don't want to change anything on this format :

I like them to have access to /usr/local/ftp so they can see EVERYTHING on there : warez, pr0n, movies, series, pics, CS updates, match screens, match demo's etc etc.

I forgot something tho :P

I did the changes in the users while the FTP program was still on. That might have something to do with it. The FTP program automatically detects new users and configures their access by itself. So I should stop it and restart it after the changes are made. I'll check tonight if that
was the problem :P

Why do you need the IP it's only 200 Gigs of **** :P
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[+35] Honorary Member

570 Posts

Skrevet - 20 Nov 2002 :  20:41:09  Vis profil  Send [*DRUNK*]GRAVEFILLER en ICQ besked  Svar med Quote
It's Pureftp.. And i tried shutting it down first still get the same error...
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[+35] Soldier

2470 Posts

Skrevet - 21 Nov 2002 :  00:30:24  Vis profil  Bes�g [+35]Lazy's hjemmeside  Klik for at se [+35]Lazy's MSN Messenger adresse  Svar med Quote
Well now i'm really confused.

If you use pure-FTPd then I cannot see why you would create local useraccounts at all!
Pure-FTPd supports virual users and you can do a lot more with those than you can with regular users - even chroot all of your filesystem for someone if you insist :)

Well I would do this: (open a shell and su)

[root@GraveyBox]#groupadd drunkperverts
[root@GraveyBox]#useradd -g drunkperverts -d /dev/null -s /etc drunkftp
[root@GraveyBox]#pure-pw useradd 35slutty -u drunkftp -d /usr/local/ftp

But what about all the other users? Hey just convert the bastards to virtual bastards :P
[root@GraveyBox]#pure-pwconvert >> /etc/pureftpd.passwd

Second last step is to commit and create your ftpuserDB. default = /etc/pureftpd.pdb
[root@GraveyBox]#pure-pw mkdb

now you are ready to run pure-FTPd as usual but you have to add this to your pure-ftpd commandline to activate virtual bastards:
-l puredb:/etc/pureftpd.pdb

Whenever you change or add users with pure-pw you have to do a pure-pw mkdb but you dont even have to restart pure-FTPd!

Hope you can use this, imo, much more secure solution :)

As for the "in use problem" are you running quotas or something???

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868 Posts

Skrevet - 23 Nov 2002 :  16:06:39  Vis profil  Send SmokiE en ICQ besked  Klik for at se SmokiE's MSN Messenger adresse  Svar med Quote
f00kin cool you can help out here Lazy

Good job

Windows 98 supports real multitasking.
It can boot and crash simultaneously!!
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[+35] Soldier

2051 Posts

Skrevet - 27 Jun 2004 :  19:17:58  Vis profil  Bes�g [+35]6-PACK's hjemmeside  Send [+35]6-PACK en ICQ besked  Svar med Quote
Man kan håbe at GF har abb på dette topic
We have Cg 2004 so plz let us hear from you if you want to join.

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